Create and Use Templates

Reusable Templates can be created to contain documents, document logic, and signer workflow that will be used frequently. Templates are also used in developing PowerForms.

This helps automate the process of sending out multiple envelopes containing the same document to different recipients. Templates can be enabled for groups or individuals in an organization to share.

Creating a Template

  • Within the Templates tab of the dashboard, click on New, then select Create Template

Create a Template
  • Enter a Template Name and Description

Template Name and Description
  • Upload a document as you would in an Envelope, by choosing a local or online document. 
  • Add Signers. Recipients can be added via Email Address if they need to be attached to that document each time it is sent, or generic recipients can be added by simply filling out the Role for that recipient. 

Recipients and Roles
  • If the Sender should not be able to add/edit/delete the recipients of an envelope created from the Template, two options for controlling Sender options are available. 
    • On a per-recipient level, select the gear icon (⚙) to the right of the recipient line, then check the box on either or both answers for "Sender cannot..." 
      1. Edit recipient
      2. Delete recipient

This prevents Senders that use this Template from removing or changing the specific recipient.

The Template's Email Message and Envelope Settings can be adjusted just as you would for an Envelope

Using Templates

When creating a new envelope, existing Templates available to the Sender can be selected for use by clicking the New button on the Home page and selecting Use a Template:

Use a Template

Templates are also used to create PowerForms.

Vendor Documentation


Vendor documentation may not reflect the current settings, features, and user interface within the University's instance of DocuSign. 


The following to the vendor support page contains information on how to create a Template.